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As reported White After the film was shocked by the dispute over his casting leading actors Rachel Zelarir and the inclusion of seven dwarves.
According to VarietyThe premiere, which usually includes a large -scale red carpet event with multiple media invited to the Stars survey, was reported only to photographers and its own crew. Independent contacted Disney for comments.
The star of the movie, The story of the western sides Actor Zelarir, for the first time, aroused a dispute among the conservative and right -wing critics in 2023, when she suggested that Remake would be more feminist than the original film, which was released in 1937.
In an interview, Zelarir said, “This is not 1937….. She is not going to escape the prince, and she will not dream of true love. She dreams of becoming a leader she knows what she can be.”
Zelarir, who is from Colombian origin, also collided with a backlash of the right voices that were dissatisfied with the main fictional character who is reflected in the color.
Further disputes arose in favor of the inclusion of the Disney seven dwarves into the strokes.
Peter Dynclage, Game of Thrones The actor, who has a dwarf, said in 2022 that it was surprised that Disney was so proud that he had made a Latin American actress as a white, while “you are still talking about a white and seven dwarves. Take a step back and look at what you do.”
He continued: “It doesn’t make sense to me. Are you progressively one way, but then you still make this backward story about the seven dwarves living in the cave together?”

At the time, Disney replied to Dinklage’s comments, saying that he w
as consulted with the dwarf community to “avoid the strengthening of stereotypes from the original animation film.”The actor’s policy also attracted additional disputes. Israeli actor Gal Gadot, who plays the evil queen in the new film, was an open supporter of Israel during the Gaza war.

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Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s supporters criticized Zelarir for the reaction to the US president’s reaction when she posted on Instagram about “four years of hatred” he would lead to America. She later apologized for “contribution to the negative discourse”.

A new movie according to 500 days of summer Director Mark Webb is watching the white after the wicked queen (Galo Gadot), who is also her mother, prescribes her murder. By running out of danger, the white man makes his way into the woods and reveals seven dwarves in the cottage.
Speaking in a recent interview with Fashion MexicoZelarir said the film’s reaction was associated with “passion” to the original movie.

“I interpret people’s moods for this movie as a passion,” she said. “What is the honor to be part of what people feel so hot. We will not always agree with everyone who surrounds us and all we can do is the best.”
Advertising plans for the film have already seen how Gadot and Zelarir presented “Oscar” together, and Zelarir made advertising performances with fans in Tokyo. It is expected that the couple will visit Spain to promote the film and take place in New York.