
Netflix is adapting Stephen King’s ‘Cujo’

A movie based on Stephen King’s novel 1980s Kuj It is in the works in Netflix. The planned film will turn the 1981 novel into a new film, so it reports on the deadline. More about the movie Cujo Netflix below.

Cjuo YouTube Screenshot trailer

Kuzho rotates around the dog St. Bernard, which after the bite of a crazy dog ​​turns into a murder car.

The King’s official website has several details. Here’s the official synopsis:

Someday is given to St. Bernard’s Cambers turns into a killer after a furious bat. Donna Trenton’s husband in New York is trying to restrain a catastrophic advertising campaign. Feeling that her husband’s abandoned husband, who is often outside the city, Donna Tentan tells about the case with a local master. She remained on herself, she is leading the sick pint to the garage of Joe Kember for repair, to be trapped with her son Tadad in a brazen car with a terrible dog.

This is a very early door on the planned Kudy The Netflix movie because there are no talents on board. The green light was given a stretch.

The book was transformed into a movie when Di Wallace and Danny Pintar are leading the acting. Kuj was released in 1983.

More as we understand it. Here’s a trailer for the 1983 version.


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